It ain’t easy being an introvert. Now that COVID is endemic to society it seems like the world is full of parties and get-togethers. Your friends want to monopolize your Saturday nights. Your husband wants to relive his 30s. Meanwhile, I just want to layup and Netflix and chill in my Snuggie.
I’ve spent many a weekend night procrastinating on going out. I’d get dressed right before I was supposed to be there. Text, “OMW,” while my hair is still in rollers. And just show up.
AI Rescues the Procrastinator
I know who I am. I admit to never getting anywhere early, or on time. It’s mostly because; despite confirming I’m coming, I don’t want to go.
Well, Google has come to save the day with another tool to compensate for human frailty. Instead of solving the climate crisis. Instead of crunching DNA protein slices in a bid to cure cancer. Instead of figuring out a way to fix poverty, the nerds at Google have programmed an AI to tell my friends I’m going to be late.
Android’s in-car assistant will summarize incoming texts while you’re driving and automatically suggest replies based upon the text context. If you’re friend asks, “are you’re still coming,” Android Auto will figure out where you are and text them about your tardiness.
Don’t get me wrong.
I’m for handsfree devices. I frequently have Siri read texts and vocally respond instead of thumb tapping while barely paying attention to the road.
However, with all the big brains working on this stuff, who are building more GPTs designed to eliminate jobs…this is what we spend our time building?
If they really wanted to make something, have an AI come up with an authentic sounding fake excuse for me not to attend.