Lattice Software Latest Company to Promote AI Vaporware

Lattice Software Latest Company to Promote AI Vaporware

Lattice Software, a Human Resources technology company, announced plans to treat bots as employees in their software.


The tech industry has never been accused of conservatively announcing product features and promises to users. The latest nonsense coming out of technology companies comes from the HR software firm, Lattice.

The company delivered a word salad they called a new feature enhancement. Essentially, they intend to treat AI-enabled software products: bots like ChatGPT, co-pilots like…Microsoft Co-Pilot, and other tools as employees.

the first company to lead in the responsible employment of AI ‘digital workers’ by creating a digital employee record to govern them with transparency and accountability.

Lattice Software

The company says its users can now create an employment record, initiate performance reviews, and an onboarding plan for these tools.


Lattice is calling these tools, “AI workers,” which doesn’t make any sense. Workers gossip around water coolers. They get upset when they can’t take off early. And they typical come late and hung over Monday mornings.

ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other digital products, aren’t AI workers. They are tools real workers use to get their job done.

Furthermore, are AI workers paid? If we’re calling them workers, to not pay them would consist of slavery which is outlawed in the United States. I don’t think paying OpenAI would classify as offering your AI worker a salary.

This is just plain stupid, and companies trying to make themselves relevant on hype and stupidity are sad and disappointing.

We have a lot of real concerns we should be focused on when it comes to AI. And ironically, the HR issues arising from the use of co-pilots and bots is one factor. Instead of offering real workers profiles for proficiency in using these products and tracking productivity Lattice goes for notoriety.