Elon Musk Backs Out of His Latest Attack

Elon Musk Backs Out of His Latest Attack

I don’t know who will play Elon Musk in a biopic documenting his successes and failures in life as an industrialist and family man. Whoever plays him will hopefully nail the irrationalism that once made him an admired ‘Howard Hughes of Gen X’, to whining poster boy of social derelict nerds.

Musk’s latest tantrum was aimed at OpenAI. He recently filed, then withdrew, a lawsuit against the company claiming they had strayed away from the company’s core ethos of making its AI technology safe and open to the world. Musk said OpenAI was racing for profits instead of being true to its values. He demanded Sam Altman give back any profits earned from his work at OpenAI.

Musk was a founding member of OpenAI and left the company in 2018. In response to Musk’s lawsuit, OpenAI published emails Musk wrote way back when he was a member of the OpenAI team. His email states how OpenAI needed to bring in massive profits in order to fund the computing power it needed to build next generation models. He even goes further to say how OpenAI needs to raise ever larger amounts of money to counter the spending Facebook and Google were making in their AI projects.

The death knell in Elon Musk’s lawsuit is this statement he made on January 31, 2018

A for-profit pivot might create a more sustainable revenue stream over time and would, with the current team, likely bring in a lot of investment. 

Elon Musk

Like, hwat?

For his part, Sam Altman, OpenAI’s CEO; said Elon Musk was simply jealous because he bailed out before the company really took off. He’s having to watch from afar while OpenAI basks in media glory and AI generated profits.

After the revelation of him having actually recommended OpenAI go towards a for-profit model, Musk withdrew his lawsuit this week. And gave no reason why.

This isn’t the only news item featuring Elon Musk. He’s recently attacked Nvidia for not selling him enough units of their most powerful GPU, the H100. He’s claiming Nvidia is denying him access to the chips and holding him back. The chips were originally destined for Tesla, but he wants them to delivered to X for whatever reason.

He’s also attacked Apple, proclaiming Apple products would be banned from connecting to Tesla vehicles (which sales are down) if Apple integrates iOS with OpenAi’s technology.

You can’t make this stuff up. He just keeps making news.