I really tried to make this headline click-baity, but I think I failed.
We reported on the Cambridge Analytica scandal before my time here at theSync Weekly. If you don’t remember, Cambridge Analytica paid Facebook for tens of millions of accounts of user data on behalf of the Trump Campaign. The data used for targeted election ad campaigns. Facebook getting paid for the data by a third party, and not disclosing to users their data was sold to a third party for political campaign advertising runs afoul of election laws.
Facebook settled with the federal government and agreed to payout $725 million to Facebook users.
Who Gets Paid?
All, that’s ALL, Facebook users who had an account between May 24, 2007 and December 22, 2022 are covered in the lawsuit.The payment size will be different for each user. It depends on how long the user’s account has been active on Facebook. 15 years is a long span of users. GenX readers of this site probably have an account.
You have until August 23, 2023 to register to receive your settlement.
Run don’t walk to your local web browser and navigate here: https://www.facebookuserprivacysettlement.com/#submit-claim
Don’t say we never helped you get money. 🙂